Impression issue de Le monde de la maquette |

1916 Open Simplex 20 hp Rail Tractor Duxford

Open Simplex 20 hp Rail Tractor 1916 Duxford
English Translation



War Department Light Railway Crest



Apres avoir vu l'utilisation faite avec succés par les français du système Decauville L'armée Britannique va employer un moyen similaire pour délivréer sur le théatre d'opération troupes munitions ravitaillement et meme pièces d'artillerie . La 1e utilisation de ces engins par le   WDLR (War Department Light Railway)  eut lieu durant les préparatifs de la batailled 'Arrras
Ensuite fut devoloppé un engin protégé  le 40hp 'Protected' Simplex petrol tractor, qui a existéen 3 versions open  avec un blindage  sur les avant et arriere , Protected avec un blindage de toit et sur les avant et arriere et Armoured plus protégé avec des fentes de visions mais cette version ne fut pas tres populaire car les hommes à l interieur souffraent de la chaleur
Ces engins étaient tres peu visibles car il n'émettaient pas de panache de fumée

After seeing how successful of the French Decauville system Bristish  Army adopted light railways for moving supplies, troops and even artillery pieces s were. Fisrt use was during  the Battle of Arras in early 1917, with a  large use of the   WDLR (War Department Light Railway)  devices  whe were used for the first time in the preparation of a battle
After  the unprotected device was armoured and he become the 40hp 'Protected' Simplex petrol tractor,
40hp Simplex's came in three armoured versions - 'open' which had armoured ends but a normal metal roof, 'protected' which was as above, with armoured sides, visors and roof and 'armoured' which was identical to the protected but instead of a roof it had a properly enclosed armoured top with small visors to see through, which weren't very popular as they got hot extremely quickly and were often converted to 'Protected' versions

These devices were not very visible because they emits no smoke plume